We’re the world’s highest scoring B Corp certified PR agency!

M&H B Corp commitment

When we first received our B Corp certification in 2019, there were only 250 certified companies in the UK. Today, we have successfully completed a group wide certification with a global industry topping score of 154.2.   There are 60 certified PR agencies in the world, with 18 scoring over the magic 100. We are now […]

Work experience at Milk & Honey PR


When school said we had two weeks for work experience, I knew exactly what I wanted. I wanted to explore a completely new career option to really get out of my comfort zone. Online I found Milk & Honey PR which captured my attention with its commitment to its values and fun campaigns. A few […]

Meet the clients going above and beyond for our planet 

With COP26 well underway, world leaders have gathered to discuss what we can do to turn the tables on climate change. At Milk & Honey, we are proud to be working with some incredible companies that make a real difference and enact meaningful change.  giffgaff   Did you know that over 70% of the UK doesn’t know what […]

Milk & Honey wins six-figure purpose account with giffgaff

Hot off the press… We are so excited to share our news on becoming giffgaff’s new lead PR agency. We will be creating purpose-driven campaigns to amplify giffgaff’s community work, including its focus on diversity and inclusion, reducing e-waste, charity partnerships and community initiatives. As disruptors, we identify a lot with giffgaff’s brand and can’t […]

Epson selects Milk & Honey PR for European purpose brief

Bringing sustainable stories to new audiences is an amazing challenge for us as an agency. As we lead up to COP26, it’s never been more important that this narrative is told and shared. We’re incredibly proud to be working with Epson to promote their sustainable tech solution and encourage conversations on climate change across Europe. Read the full […]

People, Purpose, Planet 2024