How to bridge into the UK PR scene as an expat

Moving abroad is both an exhilarating and brave to thing to do. Especially when you are still at the beginning of your career. September marks six months since packing my bags and moving from Toronto to London. Back in June, when I was first applying for jobs, I was stuck in a bit of a […]

What is it like interning at a dynamic, diverse, start-up PR firm?

What is it like interning at a dynamic, diverse, start-up PR firm? Worryingly for me was the reality that I knew almost nothing about the industry, save that it was characterised by networking, prosecco, and flaunting PR stunts. The name ‘Milk & Honey’, which for some might evoke images of a trendy bar, or a […]

My Work Experience at Milk & Honey PR

By Millie Donald, aged 15 – So, there I was, a country girl in a London office. I had no idea what I was about to do for the week, but I knew it was going to be different. Good different.  On the Monday morning my nerves disappeared by being welcomed with six lovely smiles […]

People, Purpose, Planet 2024