Five ways to communicate impact and tell your B Corp story


It’s been another great B Corp month – with a community of companies across the globe coming together to showcase how they deliver a better form of business: one that’s driven by a desire to improve the world around them. There’s so much good work out there – so many brilliant stories – but the key is to tell them effectively. We must celebrate the power of our purpose-driven work and communicate how we drive impact. 

The question I’m often asked is, “How do we tell our story?”.  Here are five ways that B Corp companies can share the great work they’re doing to build a better world. 

Focus on storytelling 

American cognitive psychologist Jerome Bruner is credited with saying that people remember stories 22 times more than facts alone. Why? Because it paints a picture – it gives people something to relate to, something to remember. It taps into a part of the human brain that’s straightforward, in which dry facts can’t access. It unlocks emotion that can lead to behavioural change. 

You should start by talking about your B Corp certification. Why did you commit to it? What took you on that journey? Seeking certification itself sends a very clear message – that you’re a business for good. That starting point will set the scene for a cohesive narrative built around your company’s purpose, from which other stories will flow – stories that will communicate your impact. 

Support storytelling with data 

It’s worth investing your time in collecting relevant data to illustrate your stories. It gives your B Corp narrative the credibility it needs to really land with audiences. This shouldn’t be too much of a chore as you’ll already be collecting this kind of data for your B Corp certification; in addition, it helps prepare you for any new regulation that may be put in place – those checks and balances to ensure your company is compliant. 

More importantly, it makes your story believable. There’s no point stating a claim if you have no evidence to back it up. Communicate measurable impact. Look at the data you have within your business and use key statistics, case studies, and other proof points to tell a more convincing story.  

Be honest and transparent 

Linked to data – but distinct from it – is honesty and transparency. The whole point of B Corp is that it isn’t a tick box certification – it’s built on a root and branch understanding of where your business is now and where it can be better. B Corp is never ‘done’ – it’s a lifelong commitment to continuous positive, impactful change.  

Some of the strongest B Corp stories out there are from companies who have owned up to their mistakes and outlined the steps they’re taking to correct them. No one expects businesses to be perfect – but we do expect them to be authentic. There’s more harm if your company’s been found to be lacking in transparency. Be bold – there’s no shame in trying and falling short at the first attempt. The trick is to honestly acknowledge the outcome, learn from it and then apply that learning to be better at the next attempt. 

Think “bigger picture” 

It’s not often journalists write a standalone story about a single, largely unknown, company – and the chances of them doing this for a small B Corp are slim. So, it’s important to look at the bigger picture – how does your business fit into the wider landscape? Does your company’s service or product answer a big, pressing problem? How does your business contribute to the solution? Journalists often write thematic stories and need examples to illustrate them (again, data) – so this is where you come in. And if, in the process, you skilfully introduce interesting ideas that will spark new story angles with your company at the centre – then that’s a bonus. 

Work together to share stories 

The beauty of being a B Corp is that you’re part of a community – so you don’t need to go it alone. Find fellow B Corps who are working towards the same goals and figure out how you can tap into each other’s energy, resources and ideas to create maximum impact. It’s about collaboration, not competition; as they say, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. 

For help with telling your stories, contact us at 

Author: Partner & Global Media Director, Zharina Arnaldo

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