Climate Week Conversations

One world handmade poster featuring an image of the earth.

Over the next few months, Milk & Honey will be attending a number of sustainability events. While it is easy to be sceptical of the noise around events like this. There are also lots of opportunities to drive new conversations, grow your network, be inspired and to learn.

Ximena’s Work Experience At Milk & Honey PR

My name is Ximena, I’m a 17-year-old A-level student who wants to specialise in PR and marketing after I do my exams in May. I currently study French, Art and Business A-level and hope to study Fashion Management and Marketing in the future.  I have had the opportunity to take two weeks of work experience […]

Why I chose to do an apprenticeship

Jonah Miti After spending two years studying business at sixth form college, I was fascinated with the inner workings of businesses and improving my knowledge of marketing and communications. After looking into my options, I wanted to do an apprenticeship rather than attend university as I was keen to gain first-hand experience working in PR […]

Why I’ve thrived since joining the Hive

When I first found Milk & Honey three years ago, I was halfway through my year abroad in the UK. Though I was unsure if I would ever have the chance to come back, I periodically (fine, constantly) checked in on the Milk & Honey website and socials, unable to give up the idea of […]

Work experience at Milk & Honey PR


When school said we had two weeks for work experience, I knew exactly what I wanted. I wanted to explore a completely new career option to really get out of my comfort zone. Online I found Milk & Honey PR which captured my attention with its commitment to its values and fun campaigns. A few […]

How the rise of the ethical consumer is transforming B2B marketing

It can often feel that PR disciplines work in opposition. Consumer is creative while financial is formal. B2B marketing (business to business) is highbrow while influencer relations are playful. When we get caught up in these internal turf wars, it’s helpful to come back to the one undeniable fact: our job is to understand people. […]

Why I’m over the term “tech PR”

As more and more industries face a wave of digital-first challengers, tech PR seems to be on a continued rise. The underlying assumption to some in the industry seems to be that if your product is tech-based, then you need something called tech PR. Follow this line of thinking as far as you can, and […]

Milk & Honey PR gives over half of group shares to its employees

Ethical, B Corp and purpose-led PR agency, Milk & Honey has transferred 55 percent of group shares to an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT). The means 52 percent of employees are now co-owners, qualifying after just 12 months at the agency.  People owned PR Today’s announcement sees Hive Group — the holding company for Milk & Honey PR in Australia, UK and North America — restructured as an EOT. The four-and-a-half-year-old business has been independently valued at £3.6M by Moore Kingston Smith, the legal firm responsible for setting up the EOT. With 55 percent of […]

Climate history — and the end of the beginning

Wednesday 26 May 2021 saw climate history in the making — but you’d be forgiven for missing the news. There were no official communiques, no fireworks, no spontaneous street parties. In fact, the announcement barely caused a ripple beyond the business pages. What we did see was a court in the Hague rule that Royal […]

People, Purpose, Planet 2024